Tell about yourself and your background! *
Stunt Coordinator, actress, choreographer, dancer, singer, mentor, First Lady of Dominion Hilltop Worldwide Ministries, mother, wife and philanthropist. “I give because I have and I have because I give and because of this, I’m never without.”

What inspired you to become a stunt performer?
I was working on “Presidio” as a background artist and I volunteered to be seated next to stuntman Bennie Moore on a ferrris wheel, with a camera above us. I was warned that the camera might fall and it did. My welcome to stunts. Then I met my former husband William Washington and he trained me to become a stunt performer and stunt coordinator.
What is your greatest skill as a stunt performer, is there a stunt behind it?
My greatest skill as a stunt performer is being a quick learner and I have many skills and abilities. Being adaptable and willing to learn helped me a lot. I have never stopped training and learning. I am blessed to have mentors who often taught me on and off set. I feel as a stunt performer it is super important to have a specialty and be known for that, but to also have the ability to expand into multiple skills is essential. Training and developing solid relationships is very important.
What is the best part about being a stunt performer?
The best part of being a stunt performer is being accepted for my talents and being a part of a great family oriented community. I love mentoring other stunt performers and helping them along the way.
Tell your all-time favorite stunt story!
My favorite stunt story is working with stunt coordinator John Medlen for “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” I loved working on multiple episodes. My favorite highlight was portraying Nikki the Subway Slayer, “Fool for Love.” I also loved fighting and learning choreography. Fun times for sure. I love incorporating acting and stunts. It made me feel like a super hero.
What advice would you give other stunt performers?
The best advice I can give to other stunt performers is to never give up. Networking with other stunt performers is important. If you really want to be a stunt performer, then put in the work. Get a mentor and train in as many areas as possible. As a stunt performer, study your craft. Here’s some pointers: Learn set etiquette, show up one hour early, be humble, train daily, don’t say you can do something you can not, have necessary pads and equipment. Headshots are your calling card and have a resume available as well as references. I honestly must say being in the Stunt Players Directory got me a lot of work.

Anything else you'd like to tell the community about?
I started off my stunt career as a stunt coordinator. I was trained by William Washington who taught me how to stunt Coordinate. Thanks to Sean “Speedy Christopher, I am stunt coordinating “A Black Ladies Sketch Show” for HBO and “The Upshaws” for Netflix. I mentor many stunt performers and I’m proud of them.
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Please include any links to stunt reels or videos you'd like to share!
I need a stunt reel hint hint