Stunt Performer Spotlight: Kenny Bartram

Featured Interview With Stunt Performer: Kenny Bartram

Tell about yourself and your background! *

I have an extensive background in off road motorcycles and cars.  I grew up racing motocross before getting into Freestyle Motocross, where I won 10 X Games and Gravity Games Medals including 4 Golds and 7 World Championships.  I also raced rally cars, winning Rally America Rookie of the year, and 2 Rally America National Championships.

What inspired you to become a stunt performer?

Simply!!!  I was fortunate enough to work on Fantastic Four for John Branagan while I was still competing in FMX.  I had an absolute blast filming and wanted to get into stunts in 2004.  I was very focused on FMX, and so it didn't happen. Once I was nearing retirement in 2014, I decided to make another push into the stunt world, and I've been having fun with it every since!

What is your greatest skill as a stunt performer, is there a stunt behind it?

Is common sense a skill???  Due to my background I feel like I'm very aware both of my actions as well as what's going on around me, as well as action/reaction.

What is the best part about being a stunt performer?

See my answer from!  I've always been a very adrenaline oriented person, and the stunt business has plenty of that!

Tell your all-time favorite stunt story!

Oh man, I've only been full time in stunts for about 7 years, but so many stories I could tell!  I got to do a fun gag on Logan for Garrett Warren.  I was to ride up next to a limo, punch thru the window and reach for a girl inside, she cuts my arm off, the limo hits me and I squirrel off and crash in the desert.  I knew I was going to do this gag, so I rehearsed with an old farm truck in Oklahoma, I had a friend drive and got to where I could "bang bars" with the truck at about 25mph down the road.  Once on set though, my handle bar actually went thru the window opening of the limo, pulling my bars to the side, I bounced off the limo pretty good and somehow didn't go down too early.  All at the same time I look over and long time friend Chris Denison was airborn jumping onto the other side of the limo!  It was just one of those great moments, with good friends, riding dirt bikes and having fun!

What advice would you give other stunt performers?

Pay attention, do as your told, know your place, and be courteous!

Anything else you'd like to tell the community about?

I'm your all around goof ball, but I know when it's time to be serious.  Fast learner, hard worker, interested in learning more about rigging!  Go big or go home!

Please share your social media handles and how we can follow you!

FB and IG are both @cowboykenny690

Please include any links to stunt reels or videos you'd like to share!