Tell about yourself and your background! *
Hello my name is Phedra and I was born in Houston Texas and have a degree in communications and MBA. I have a 15 year old daughter named Aniya. 10 years ago I moved my four year old daughter to LA to pursue a career in TV. While working on set as an extra, I was introduced to the stunt world. I had no idea about it until I saw them on action on set.

What inspired you to become a stunt performer?
I always wanted to be an action star and I saw myself as a female Tom Cruise. One day I was working on set and I saw a stunt performer in action. I was amazed at the skill set and how they were able to make the actor look good. After watching their take I got an adrenaline rush. I was in awe! That is when I knew I wanted to be a stunt double! I knew it was something that I Would be good at and would be valued for. Ive always been athletic in a daredevil

What is your greatest skill as a stunt performer, is there a stunt behind it?
I am one of the few black stunt women that performs high falls . Thank you John Moio for teaching me.
What is the best part about being a stunt performer?
Going to a different job every day not knowing what to expect! I get anxious every time I’m on set. I love to perform
What advice would you give other stunt performers?
Don’t listen to negativity, remain positive, And don’t get discouraged just because you think someone is further along in their career than you .We all have our own path!
Please share your social media handles and how we can follow you!
@phedrasyndelle IG
Please include any links to stunt reels or videos you'd like to share!