Stunt Performer Spotlight: Solomon Wells

Featured Interview With Stunt Performer: Solomon Wells

Tell about yourself and your background! *

I have been doing live combat with the Hoggtowne medieval faire for over seven years and over the past year I have been taking on more film projects with the hopes of turning it into a career. I have experience working with a variety of weapons and I recently got certified in a couple with the SAFD. I also have a minor background in martial arts, namely Kali and Capoeira.

What inspired you to become a stunt performer?

My first stunt experience, and experience acting for that matter, started at the Hoggtowne faire. I had watched their living chessboard show every year for as long as I can remember and one day when I was thirteen, I decided to join them during one of their training sessions. And then another one. And another and so on until years had passed. What really made me stay was the memories that I had of the stories that excited me every year at the faire, and the thought that I could help make that moment for someone else through these performances inspired me then and pushes me going forward.

What is your greatest skill as a stunt performer, is there a stunt behind it?

While it’s not really a stunt, I would say that my greatest skill as a performer would be my ability to perform or alter a fight given limited rehearsal time.

What is the best part about being a stunt performer?

To restate what I said earlier, I love the thought that I am helping to tell a story that will inspire and entertain others the way those same stories inspired and entertained me. I also find that as I learn and practice more, there are more and more things that I never thought that I could do. The fact that I can not only achieve the impossible, but also see my progress as it happens, is a major confidence boost for me.

Tell your all-time favorite stunt story!

My second year performing on the Hoggtowne chessboard, I wore a blue headband as part of my costume, and that day, I forgot to pin it down. As I fought, it slipped further off my head until it just fell off. I would not have noticed, but someone in the crowd shouted “Oh no! His Headband!” just as I ran up and mounted myself on my opponent’s shoulders. I was about 5 feet off the ground on this man and I looked down and saw the blue headband positioned right in front of me. As I started to roll and throw him off with my legs, I picked up the headband just as I landed before completing the roll and cleared it off the stage.

What advice would you give other stunt performers?

As much as you can, film your ideas. Even if it is just a move or two you thought would look cool and want to try, film it with someone. You never know when you might want to revisit it.

Anything else you'd like to tell the community about?

I would like to thank the stunt hustle community for letting me share on their platform.

Please share your social media handles and how we can follow you!

Instagram: @s0l_n_stuff

Please include any links to stunt reels or videos you'd like to share!